Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Watching the Sociopath Self-Destruct

From:  LoveFraud

quinn pierce blogby Quinn Pierce 

The Perpetual Victim

I don’t know how he does it.  It’s a skill he continues to practice and perfect, I suppose. What’s astonishing is his ability to twist any situation- no matter how absurd- into something where he can paint himself as the victim.
Anyone who was even remotely involved in our lives last year would know that my ex-husband reached a new level of vindictive, hurtful behavior.  He manipulated every resource he could access including doctors, courts, school systems, and child services in two states.  It was such a forceful and constant barrage of attacks that I didn’t even have time to collect my thoughts before responding.
And that was his goal all along.

Keeping You Off-Balance

The favorite and most commonly used strategy of my ex-husband is the surprise attack.  He will always do his best to catch me off-guard, or corner me at in-opportune times when I’m distracted or not prepared for what he is doing.
He preys on vulnerability and indecisiveness.  It’s a tactic that has always proven successful- especially with me.  What he continues to fail to understand is that while he is incapable of changing, growing, or healing, that is just what his children and I have been doing.

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