Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sociopaths and Christmas

From:  LoveFraud

by Donna Andersen

In your dreams and desires, Christmas is a wonderful time of the year. You spend time with family and friends. You give and receive thoughtful gifts. If you are religious, you renew your faith.
Christmas is supposed to be special. Of course, it doesn’t always work out that way, but at least that’s your goal.

So how do sociopaths view Christmas?

In my opinion, sociopaths view Christmas simply as another tool in their manipulation toolbox. They know that Christmas is important to their targets — that would be you — so they figure out how to use Christmas to advance their agendas.

So, if sociopaths are in the love bombing stage, they may shower you with gifts and create unbelievably magical moments.

If they’re in the exploitation stage, they may convince you to pay for gifts for them, the kids, or other people that they’re trying to take advantage of.

If they’re in the devalue and discard stage, they may ignore you at Christmas, or even let you know that they’re spending the holidays with someone else.

If they’re in the vindictive stage, they may intentionally think of ways to ruin Christmas for you, the kids, or other friends and family.  MORE

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Psychopaths and Psi Vampires

by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster 

Most people today are familiar with the rule of 5%-15%-60% and 20%. Five percent of a population will consider a new idea of try someone once. Fifteen percent will try out a new idea if they are desperate. 60% will notice when around 15 – 20% are using a new product or accept a new idea and adopt it themselves. This varies by the status of those first users.

20% of any human population will never accept a new idea.

In 2006 I watched a news conference featuring Dick Cheney. Cheney struck me as having no sense of caring about the people who had died or the babies being born who were deformed by the use of Depleted Uranium. At one point I felt he was simply annoyed with having to spend time answering the questions. The photos of these sad little babies seemed to have no impact. It made my skin crawl.

Suddenly I asked myself, “Is Dick Cheney a psychopath?”

Today, many more are asking this question. In Cheney's latest round of media attention the question of whether or not he is a psychopath occurred thousands of times.

I had begun studying the work of Dr. Robert Hare on psychopathy a few months previously.

I googled the word “psychopath.” A couple of thousand hits showed up. Today when you google the term 9,950,000 results appear. The sites which came up in 2006 showed a lot of variety in understanding the term. Many still think the term means only serial killers, but this is changing.

Professionals and increasing number os lay people have come to understand most psychopaths are not violent, their behavior exhibits through a lack of conscience and empathy.

This illustrates the process of adoption of a new idea in a population.

The first adopters for understanding the condition, a small percentage of people, the 5% - 15%, finally hit the 60%. This does not mean the 60% have a clear understanding of the condition but that they know it exists and vaguely what the term means.

These trends happen over a period of time as the idea is considered and adopted first by the 5%, then by the 15% and then begins to gain ground in the 60%.

People are by nature conservative in refining their understanding taking cues from those in authority and examining the evidence.

Articles published which use the term or about psychopaths are now into main stream publications. Financial theories are now taking the condition into account.

This process for adoption took longer than eight years. Hare began publishing on the subject over twenty years ago. But the acceptance of the existence of the condition is now established.

Probably the most significant advance in understanding and acceptance came as a result of the use of the fMRI, a form of brain scan, which revealed the lack of reaction in the amygdala of criminals believed to be psychopaths when shown films of shocking harm done to people.

The term 'Psychopath' was first used in 1880. In the 1930s another psychiatrist began using the term, 'sociopath.' Most practitioners today consider the terms interchangeable.

When you google the term, Psi Vampire, you get 483,000 results. Tellingly, many of these originate from websites which state they are in place to assist psi vampires.

Here is the first site which came up, the second from the search which claimed to be created for the use of Psi Vamps.

All information on this site or on any sites linked to it should be taken as purely opinion and not fact.  We are here to carry on the information in an educational manner, and do not encourage using this information in a harmful or distasteful manner.  Keep your minds open while being sure to keep them skeptical.
I myself was very skeptical when my awakening occurred.  In fact, it wasn't until a few months after that my abilities grew to the point where I knew that what I was reading and learning pertained to me.
So, with that out of the way, here is what we have to offer you;
Well, what are you waiting for?  I hope you find the site informative and thought provoking.  If you have any questions or comments, email The Author at: psy@thecoven.org

Deep Feeding
This site, psychicvampire.org/resources/feeding/, provides detailed information on how to engage in three forms of psi feeding, ambient, contact, and deep feeding. These terms, with slight variations defining the same basic techniques, occur again and again and are clearly terms are referring to a common body of understanding. This is also true of the instructions for the newly practicing psi vampire.
These is strong evidence of an existing, but relatively small, community. Hits were about 550.
Deep Feeding it reports as, feeding off a specific persons core soul energy.”
Not surprisingly, the sites state permission should be given before deep feeding takes place. Many psi vampires show evidence of concern for those from who they take energy.
The process of adoption and the small size of the population who claim to be psi vampires points to a longer span for acceptance. But the evidence online points to a population who believe they are taking of energy which they did not, themselves, produce.
The justifications for this, which could be expected, strengthen the possibility psi vampires exist.
The ability to feed on the energy of others is not refuted by the evidence now building on the quantum nature of life, but there has, as yet, been no medical consideration of the issue as has already taken place with psychopaths.

If this is not a mass hallucination this will happen, however, leaving other questions to be considered.

The question of what happens if a psychopath is also an energy or psi vampire is just one of these.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Capitalists and Other Psychopaths

From:  NY Times 

THERE is an ongoing debate in this country about the rich: who they are, what their social role may be, whether they are good or bad. Well, consider the following. A 2010 study found that 4 percent of a sample of corporate managers met a clinical threshold for being labeled psychopaths, compared with 1 percent for the population at large. (However, the sample was not representative, as the study’s authors have noted.) Another study concluded that the rich are more likely to lie, cheat and break the law. 

The only thing that puzzles me about these claims is that anyone would find them surprising. Wall Street is capitalism in its purest form, and capitalism is predicated on bad behavior. This should hardly be news. The English writer Bernard Mandeville asserted as much nearly three centuries ago in a satirical-poem-cum-philosophical-treatise called “The Fable of the Bees.” 

“Private Vices, Publick Benefits” read the book’s subtitle. A Machiavelli of the economic realm — a man who showed us as we are, not as we like to think we are — Mandeville argued that commercial society creates prosperity by harnessing our natural impulses: fraud, luxury and pride. By “pride” Mandeville meant vanity; by “luxury” he meant the desire for sensuous indulgence. These create demand, as every ad man knows. On the supply side, as we’d say, was fraud: “All Trades and Places knew some Cheat, / No Calling was without Deceit.” MORE

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Who Would Donate a Kidney to a Stranger? An ‘Anti-Psychopath’

From:  NY Magazine


In recent decades, psychopathy is something that’s captured the attention of both academics and the mainstream. Psychopaths play big roles in movies and even occasionally on public radio, and there’s evidence that a few of them may be in your company’s boardroom right this minute. 

But emerging research is changing how experts understand the condition. “There was a time when people thought of psychopaths as this sort of unique group of individuals — as in, there were normal people, and there were psychopaths,” said Georgetown University psychologist Abigail Marsh. “But now we’re finding that psychopathic traits work the same as other mental-illness symptoms. So with psychopathy, like almost anything else, people will have more or fewer of those traits, and so you have people at one end and most people in the middle.” Marsh calls this the “caring continuum,” and its existence, she said, “begs the question: What’s at the other end of the curve?”

New research she just published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences suggests an answer: If the dark, scary end of the caring continuum is inhabited by psychopaths, way down at the other end is a group of what she calls “anti-psychopaths” — ultra-do-gooders who are extraordinarily compassionate, prosocial, and empathetic.  MORE

Thursday, September 11, 2014

There could be increased numbers of psychopaths in senior managerial positions, high levels of business, research shows

From:  Science Daily


September 8, 2014
University of Huddersfield
    For the first time, it has been demonstrated that people with psychopathic tendencies who have high IQs can mask their symptoms by manipulating tests designed to reveal their personalities. It raises the possibility that large numbers of ruthless risk-takers are able to conceal their level of psychopathy as they rise to key managerial posts. 

Despite the media’s invariably lurid use of the term, there are various categories of psychopath and they are not all prone to physical violence.
Credit: © gemphotography / Fotolia

A breakthrough by a talented University of Huddersfield student has shown for the first time that people with psychopathic tendencies who have high IQs can mask their symptoms by manipulating tests designed to reveal their personalities.  It raises the possibility that large numbers of ruthless risk-takers are able to conceal their level of psychopathy as they rise to key managerial posts. 

Carolyn Bate, aged 22, was still an undergraduate when she carried out her groundbreaking research into the links between psychopathy and intelligence, using a range of special tests and analysing the data. She wrote up her findings for the final-year project in her BSc Psychology degree. Not only was she awarded an exceptionally high mark of 85 per cent, her work has also been accepted for publication by the peer-reviewed Journal of Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology – an unusual distinction for an undergraduate. 

Carolyn, who has now graduated with First Class Honours, said that her project was triggered when she read about research which showed that while one per cent of the population were categorised as psychopaths, the figure rose to three per cent in the case of business managers. 
“I thought that intelligence could be an explanation for this, and it could be a problem if there are increased numbers of psychopaths at a high level in business.  The figure could be more than three per cent, because if people are aware they are psychopathic they can also lie – they are quite manipulative and lack empathy.  This could have a detrimental effect on our everyday lives,” said Carolyn, who added that some researchers have suggested that episodes such as the Wall Street Crash could be blamed on the numbers of psychopaths among decision makers. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Recognizing the Psychopath in Your Child

by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

It is the patterns of behavior which eventually persuade you something very wrong is going on.

Most kids do things which are wrong on occasion. They will fib about were the last ice cream went or pretend they are sick when it is time for for school. You can tell they know this was wrong, though.

They slink, evade eye contact, look scared when you find out.

A psychopathic child is different. My oldest daughter's face was sullen and then angry when she was caught in a lie. I could see these emotions flicker across her face but did not understand these were indicators that no conscience existed behind those beautiful brown eyes.

Getting what she wanted also meant only immediate gratification. By the time she was 13 my parents, who raised her, had bought her 1,000 Breyer horses and three original Cabbage Patch dolls, the ones personally autographed by Xavier Roberts.

The rest of the family, the ones who did not have to cope with Morgan, then Carolyn, day to day, were stunned when these gifts were paraded for us during visits. We were raised believing we needed to work.

Mother, who had watched little Carolyn for me while I was in college after the short and traumatic marriage which produced her, begged me to allow her and Father to raise her. They adopted her legally when she was 12.

Later, after Mother died Father and I had some frank discussions about what had gone on. I discovered Mother was very much under Carolyn's thumb from the time she was very small. The kid got away with a lot because she could be charming and cute. But this gloss of charm evaporated when she did not get her way. Smiles turned instantly to tantrums and screaming.

I had found out about this when she came to live with me when she was 19.

She lied about attending college, instead starting a sexual relationship with a rock star which went on for nine years. She lied about working. She lied about injuries in a car accident telling us she could no longer work when she was routinely riding horses.

And she just loved to get other people to distrust each other and fight. Later, I realized this is what brought the look of sublime happiness to her face.

Lies, sexual promiscuity, acting as if she, and she alone, was the only one who mattered. Any manipulation which got her what she wanted obviously pleased her, even when later she was found out. I found out about the sex from my sister, with whom she had been living. Anne called and told me, bluntly, she was not my problem. I had a tough time believing this cute little girl had seduced one of her her clients.

This and a shallowness which made a puddle seem deep, were all there. But the family did not understand what we were seeing.

Obviously, we should have been talking frankly much sooner. Transparency is essential to survival if you are coping with a disordered child. 

Don't make this mistake.   

Lisa L. Hockett: Chaos Theory — Flushing out the abuser by revealing patterns

Lisa L. HockettBy Lisa L. Hockett, MS, CFDS

There is a mathematical theory based in fractal geometry called “Chaos Theory.” At its most simplistic level, it says that if you look long enough and carefully at what looks like total chaos, patterns begin to emerge. This is exactly how I help my clients in coping with their court cases against an abuser.

What I found in the court system is that the law does not care about a single incident unless that incident is so shocking that it can’t be ignored, like a severe beating or shooting.

Domestic terrorism is not on their radar because, until you make it concrete for them, it is entirely too abstract to consider. What they are looking for in the courtroom, or even the police station, is a pattern of behavior. Discrete incidents are like paint splatters on canvas and you have to connect the dots to make them see the picture. The legal system wants to see something so obvious and undeniable that sometimes survivors simply give up.

Connecting the dots

It can be exhausting and darn near impossible to link together incidents that to you seem ridiculously obvious, but it is an investment of time and energy that will pay off. Abusers will always have a “logical explanation” for one incident. They will have the same “logical explanation” for multiple incidents. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to connect the dots for the court. That’s what attorneys do every day and, as your own best expert witness, this responsibility rests on you.

Believe it or not, this is a big part of what we are able to accomplish when putting in place reasonable disability accommodations for litigants…because if you can’t think or you can’t speak under stressors, you can’t connect the dots.

Typical case

In a typical case, I have my client put together a long list of incidents and demonstrate a pattern not only of behavior, but escalation.

For instance, pushback against threats may have resulted in an escalation in the number and type of threats.
Blocking email might result in an exponential increase in harassing phone calls.

Blocking phone calls may have resulted in calling the police claiming a “welfare check” of the children, who may have just talked to the abuser hours before.

When that didn’t produce the intended result, it may have been followed up by a completely false contempt filing.

If a client counter-files or fights the contempt, it may result in covert terrorism, such as sending a shot-up range target or attempting to lure the client to a location under false pretenses while in possession of a firearm.

When none of that produces the intended results, it may turn into harassment of and information-seeking from an attorney, real estate agent, friends or personal proxies.

When all that fails, a private investigator may be hired on false pretenses, claiming the children are being hidden or making another outrageous claim, even if the client has just had a successful visitation exchange.

If Psychopaths Were Identified

From:  Love Fraud 

by HG Beverly 

If psychopaths were actively identified across institutions,

we would more consistently know exactly who we’re dealing with.

Their stats on getting away with murder would go (way) down.

They would be less likely to win full custody in divorce.

There would be more public awareness around who’s running certain companies.

And our public and professional belief that interactional assessments and background checks tell us all we need to know about a person

would be turned on its head

to the benefit of all involved.

If psychopaths were identified consistently and accurately

by all mental health professionals

(which would require major change in nearly every clinical training program in the U.S.)

our psychologists and counselors and therapists would less likely be fooled into supporting 
their horrific endeavors.

And victims would be more likely to find needed support.

If psychopaths were clearly and consistently identified

through reliable, accessible, professional assessments

(when their long-term controlling, abusive behavior called for it),

children like mine would not need to wonder why this confusing and terrible thing that’s 
happening to them
never ends.

Why no adults are helping.

Whether that means there’s really no problem.

Because if something’s hurting in ways that can’t really be defined or explained,
and no one’s helping you out,
what are you supposed to do with your experience?
If we had accurate assessments,
the world would know,
would lose it’s capacity to deny,
and with that knowledge,
be forced to allow empathetic people
to tell the truth
and to help.

And if psychopaths were accurately and consistently identified,
we could stop mourning the confusion
of an inescapable, devastating life experience
that the rest of the world
is either incapable of identifying
or refuses

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The logic of a psychopath

Published November 3, 2010

Before his execution in the Florida electric chair in 1989, Ted Bundy confessed to murdering 30 young women, typically by bludgeoning them to death and often raping them as well. He almost certainly had many more victims than that, perhaps more than 100. But he avoided suspicion for much of his five-year killing spree, in part because he was good-looking and clean-cut, a college grad and a law student.

Despite this outward appearance, Bundy was socially clueless. He was introverted and by his own description had no sense of how to get along with people. Near the end of his life he described himself this way: “I didn’t know what made things tick. I didn’t know what made people want to be friends. I didn’t know what made people attractive to one another. I didn’t know what underlay social interaction.”

Psychopaths can be paradox. Some, like Bundy, are intellectually high functioning, and they clearly know right from wrong. They are not delusional, but they are socially inept. They seem to lack normal self-control, and they persistently violate social, legal and moral rules. They don’t — as Bundy’s words suggest — comprehend the human social contract.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

When sociopaths lie about you

From:  Love Fraud 

by Donna Andersen

It’s bad enough that sociopaths lie to hook you. Anything they tell you about themselves may be false — their age, education, credentials, family details, income, criminal record, job and work history.
And of course, sociopaths typically lie about their relationship history and status. They claim to be single when they are married; they claim to be childless when they have many offspring — even with multiple partners.
Sociopaths lie — it’s the key characteristic of the disorder. When you fall for the lies, you feel like a chump. But what often turns out to be even more devastating is the lies they tell about you.

The smear campaign
Sociopaths typically engage in a “smear campaign” about their targets. These are outright lies that they tell about you to your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers and others in your social circle.
The sociopath’s objective with the smear campaign is to compromise your social support system, and therefore increase his or her control over you. For this reason, the sociopath may start lying about you long before you suspect any problems in your relationship.
For example, a sociopath may have a conversation like the following with your friend, Jane:
Sociopath: “You know, I found out about six months into our relationship that Mary was cheating on me. She was secretly seeing a guy from work.”
Jane: “I never knew about that!”
Sociopath: “Well, I imagine that she didn’t want to tell you, because you might have said something to me. I know I can trust you.”
Jane: “Of course you can!”
Sociopath: “I really love Mary, so I’ve forgiven her.”

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

The massive costs of sociopaths to society

From:  Love Fraud 

by Donna Andersen 

Man Behind Bars 

My local newspaper is the Press of Atlantic City. It’s a small-town newspaper covering the Atlantic City, New Jersey area. It’s not the New York Daily News, the Daily Mail or another British tabloid. Yet as I read the paper one day last week, I was shocked to see one story after another that seemed to illustrate sociopathic behavior.

I shouldn’t have been surprised. In my opinion, when adults freely commit crime, aggression, fraud, exploitation, violence, bullying, retaliation or pathological lying, they likely have sociopathic traits.

There is research to back this up, which I’ll get to soon. But first, here’s the news for July 9, 2014. (Although I saw all of the stories — local, regional and national — in the Press of Atlantic City, in some cases I looked for better versions on other websites to post here on Lovefraud.)

Women may have swindled 45 elderly clients
Barbara Lieberman, an attorney from Northfield, New Jersey, who specialized in elder law, and Jan Van Holt, who ran an in-home senior service, were arrested in March and charged with stealing more than $2.4 million from victims who were in their 80s and 90s. All but one are now dead, and most had no family. Now, at least 10 more victims have been identified, and there may be an additional 25 victims.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Can Psychopaths Be Cured?

Posted by Ross Pomeroy July 11, 2014

TO THE BEST of our knowledge, there is no cure for psychopathy. No pill can instill empathy, no vaccine can prevent murder in cold blood, and no amount of talk therapy can change an uncaring mind. For all intents and purposes, psychopaths are lost to the normal social world.

But that hasn't stopped the scientists who study psychopaths from trying to bring them back. In 2012, Dr. Kent Kiehl, a psychologist at the University of Mexico and one of the foremost experts on psychopathy, discovered that psychopaths have reduced gray matter in the paralimbic system of the brain. His longtime suspicions were confirmed: Psychopaths -- who are unremorseful and antisocial -- have fundamentally different brains than the rest of us. The finding was replicated in psychopathic youth the following year. While the link between brain structure and psychopathy is correlational, the youth data strongly suggested that the stunted paralimbic system is present from birth.

Kiehl was proud of the discovery and the hard work that realized it, but saddened by the accompanying implications.

"It was if my lab had discovered a new disorder, but we didn't have a cure," Kiehl lamented in his new book, The Psychopath Whisperer.   MORE

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Published Paper Blames Schizophrenia on Demons

by Ross Pomeroy

IS SCHIZOPHRENIA CAUSED by demons? A Turkish researcher seems to think so, and his article on the topic was just published in the Journal of Religion and Health, a scientific journal owned by Springer, a German-based publishing company.

The first two-thirds of M. Kemal Irmak's paper, "Schizophrenia or Possession?", read normally enough. You learn about the devastating symptoms of schizophrenia, current treatment approaches, and the nature of the delusions and hallucinations that schizophrenics experience. And then you arrive at this little doozy:
"One approach to this hallucination problem is to consider the possibility of a demonic world."
The abrupt transition from established science to outlandish woo is positively comical. And once the quackery starts, it doesn't stop. You're first treated to a background on all things demonic (boldness added to emphasize the absurdity):  MORE

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why Do I Feel So Guilty? How Sociopaths Shame Us Into Submission

From:  Love Fraud

If I had to pick the most powerful tool in a sociopath’s arsenal, it would be shame.   I’ve experienced a myriad of emotions during my life with sociopathic parents:  sadness, anger, confusion, jealousy (from observing “healthy” families), fear, loneliness, compassion, forgiveness.  During the healing process, it is very normal to have waves of these emotions come and go.  But for me, the one emotion that hasn’t come and gone, the one that has blanketed my entire life history, is shame.

Why shame?  I didn’t ask to be abused as a child.    As an adult, I certainly had the choice to sever ties with my parents, but I didn’t because I thought a good daughter wouldn’t do that.   If I hang in there long enough, they will see I’m a good daughter and they will love me.

What I didn’t know at the time is that sociopaths don’t change.  They will never become compassionate people.  They will never feel true remorse.  By “hanging in there”, I was allowing them to tighten their grip on me, using guilt trips to keep me attached.  I now know that it wasn’t sacrificial love that kept me going back, it was shame.  Shame is sneaky that way – it disguises itself in many ways.  MORE

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: Moment heartbroken woman conned by globally infamous fraudster, bigamist and fake CIA agent turned the tables on him in a New Jersey parking lot police sting

From:  MailOnline 

  • American William Allen Jordan, 48, famous as a fake spy in the UK, arrested Tuesday for the same scam in New Jersey
  • Conman was outwitted by his most recent victim, Mischele Lewis, of Florence Township, New Jersey after she lured him to parking lot
  • She fell in love with him but became suspicious after he distanced himself when she got pregnant
  • She also handed over $1,300 to 'British men' on phone who talked to her in code and said they worked secretly with Jordan for the UK government
  • She contacted previous wife who wrote book on him called 'The Bigamist'
  • Jordan told her he was childless, when he had 13 kids with 8 women. At one time Jordan had two wives, two fiancés and a girlfriend in the UK 
  • He'd also spent time behind bars for molesting girl under the age of 13
  • Mischele spent a month playing him at his own game until the police were ready to arrest him 
  • 'This needs to end, and it needs to end with me,' Mischele said

This is the moment a woman bravely trapped an infamous conman and bigamist who stole her heart and allegedly scammed her and at least nine other women from both sides of the Atlantic.

WIlliam Allen Jordan, 48, an American who gained worldwide notoriety after he pretended to be a CIA agent so he could defraud vulnerable women looking for love in Britain, thought Mischele Lewis was his next victim.

But the 36-year-old registered nurse and single mom to two kids turned the tables on him in dramatic fashion. 

After spending a month playing cat-and-mouse with him, she lured him to the parking lot of a store in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, on Tuesday, where police slapped handcuffs on him in a pre-organized sting.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

What NOT to do when you realize you’re involved with a sociopath

From:  Love Fraud 

by Donna Andersen

You’ve been living in insanity. Your partner seems to randomly lash out or give you the silent treatment, and then says you’re to blame. Your finances are in shambles, and you’re to blame for that too — even if you’re the only one working. You are positive that this person is cheating on you, but he or she insists you are paranoid and delusional.

Or, in a variation on a theme, you are living with the distinct feeling that something is amiss, although you can’t quite figure out what it is.

You Google terms like “emotional abuse” or “signs of cheating” or “love and deceit.” Eventually you end up on Lovefraud.

Suddenly, everything makes sense. The articles describe what you’re experiencing. Other people are telling stories that sound just like yours.

You realize that you’re involved with a sociopath.

You are horrified — this personality disorder sounds really, really bad, and there is no treatment for it.

But you are also relieved — now you know you are not crazy — it’s him (or her).
So what do you do with this information?

First, here’s what NOT to do: Do NOT confront the sociopath.

Even though you want to say, “I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE!!!”

Even though you want to defend yourself, “IT’S NOT ME, IT’S YOU!!!”
Don’t do it.

Now that you know what you’re dealing with, keep the information to yourself and carefully plan what you’re going to do next.  MORE

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

How your brain makes moral judgments

From:  CNN

By Elizabeth Landau, CNN

 dated 8:04 AM EDT, Thu March 27, 2014
This image shows differences in brain activity between people who judge an act wrong and others who say it's not wrong.
This image shows differences in brain activity between people who judge an act wrong and others who say it's not wrong

(CNN) -- Imagine a CEO wants to profit from a venture that, by the way, involves emitting pollution toxic to the environment, but she doesn't care because the goal is profit.

Is the CEO intentionally harming the environment? What if, instead, the CEO is pushing a project that happens to help the environment -- is the benefit any more or less intentional than the harm in the other scenario? How do you morally judge each of these situations?

Science is still trying to work out how exactly we reason through moral problems such as these, and how we judge others on the morality of their actions, said Walter Sinnott-Armstrong, professor of practical ethics at Duke University.

Researchers interested in the neuroscience of morality are investigating which brain networks are involved in such decisions, and what might account for people's individual differences in judgments. Studies on the topic often involve small samples of people -- functional magnetic resonance imaging is time-intensive and expensive -- but patterns are emerging as more results come in.


Saturday, March 15, 2014

People Can Draw Energy From Other People The Same Way Plants Do- Psychic Vampires are real !

Posted by Susoni 

We all know it's true. Ever been around someone who literally 'drains' you to be around them?? I happen to be extremely sensitive to energies. If you are too, the most important thing is to keep centered and balanced and keep yourself in a safe mental space.
A biological research team at Bielefeld University has made a groundbreaking discovery showing that plants can draw an alternative source of energy from other plants. This finding could also have a major impact on the future of bioenergy eventually providing the evidence to show that people draw energy from others in much the same way.

Members of Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse’s biological research team have confirmed for the first time that a plant, the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, not only engages in photosynthesis, but also has an alternative source of energy: it can draw it from other plants. The research findings were released this week in the online journal Nature Communications published by the renowned journal Nature.

Flowers need water and light to grow and people are no different. Our physical bodies are like sponges, soaking up the environment. “This is exactly why there are certain people who feel uncomfortable in specific group settings where there is a mix of energy and emotions,” said psychologist and energy healer Dr. Olivia Bader-Lee.

Plants engage in the photosynthesis of carbon dioxide, water, and light. In a series of experiments, Professor Dr. Olaf Kruse and his team cultivated the microscopically small green alga species Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and observed that when faced with a shortage of energy, these single-cell plants can draw energy from neighboring vegetable cellulose instead. The alga secretes enzymes (so-called cellulose enzymes) that ‘digest’ the cellulose, breaking it down into smaller sugar components. These are then transported into the cells and transformed into a source of energy: the alga can continue to grow. ‘This is the first time that such a behavior has been confirmed in a vegetable organism’, says Professor Kruse. ‘That algae can digest cellulose contradicts every previous textbook. To a certain extent, what we are seeing is plants eating plants’. Currently, the scientists are studying whether this mechanism can also be found in other types of alga. Preliminary findings indicate that this is the case.  MORE

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Joyce Alexander believes her son, William ‘Patrick’ Alexander, already convicted of cold-blooded murder, will kill her too

From:  Love Fraud 

by Donna Andersen 

Patrick Alexander on motorcycle
Patrick Alexander as a young man. The motorcycle was stolen.

William “Patrick” Alexander didn’t want to go back to prison. He was 19 years old, almost 20, and had already done two years for aggravated burglary. Patrick suspected that 17-year-old Jessica Witt, of Dallas, Texas, was going to rat him out. Or perhaps she already did.
Patrick had used a credit card stolen from Jessica’s grandfather to pay for a trip to California, in violation of his parole. He racked up $8,000 in charges.
On January 17, 1992, Patrick and one of his unsavory friends were at Jessica’s apartment. Patrick told the friend that he was going to kill Jessica—anything to avoid going back to prison. As he talked, Patrick played with a small silver handgun, jacking rounds into the chamber and taking the clip in and out. The friend was scared.
The next day, the friend heard Patrick ask another guy if he knew anyplace to kill someone and hide the body.

Murder in the countryside

Jessica Witt
Jessica Witt, right, was murdered in 1992 by Patrick Alexander
Patrick and Jessica became friendly while working together at a telemarketing company. Jessica was a pretty girl with long, dark, wavy hair. Even though she was still in high school, she’d left her parents’ home and moved into an apartment with friends.

At 10:30 p.m. on January 20, 1992, Patrick and Jessica left her apartment. According to Jessica’s female roommate, Patrick told Jessica that a guy in Fort Worth, Texas, about 35 miles away, was going to give him money so he could pay off her grandfather’s credit card.
Four hours later, Patrick returned to the apartment alone.
“Where’s Jessica?” the roommate asked.
“I killed her,” Patrick replied.
He gave the roommate Jessica’s purse and jewelry. He said he did not bring back Jessica’s leather coat because it had too much blood on it.
Patrick told the roommate that he and Jessica had driven to an area out in the country where people ride four-wheelers. Patrick and Jessica left his pickup truck on the road and walked towards an old house.
Jessica was walking in front of Patrick. He called her name, and when Jessica turned around, Patrick shot her twice in the head.
Patrick dragged the girl’s body to a mud hole and covered it with dirt, grass and branches.
Back at the apartment, Patrick sat in the kitchen as he talked and wouldn’t let the roommate leave the room. He showed the girl his .25 caliber pistol, with two bullets missing. She was terrified, believing she was next to die.