Monday, December 10, 2012

Update - A Report – PsychoBusting, the work continues

A Report – PsychoBusting, the work continues - (A Series in several parts)
Preface – Past Action Parts One and Two

A few months ago a concerted attack by a group of psychopaths forced me to take direct action using the truth, copious legal documents, and an occasionally painful transparency. With emails, interviews, phone messages, transcripts, court documents, videos, and plethora of other materials I began to 'out' the individuals involved, hoping it would stop the attacks, allowing me to get on with my life. Given objective circumstances, my life is challenging enough without dealing with the likes of the individuals named below.

One of the techniques of the psychopaths in these cases, and most psychopaths, includes ugly personal attacks, sewing distrust between the victim, their friends, relatives, and business associates. These are carried out to isolate the victim, increasing their vulnerability.

This works because emotionally normal people are immobilized with shock when accused of doing things they would not, or could not, have done. This kind of ugly, unthinkable, accusation, especially coming from someone who was trusted, causes trauma, which today we understand as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The reaction to this kind of trauma also causes the individual impacted to withdraw emotionally and may make any reminder of what has transpired so stressful as to impact their health and ability to work or otherwise function normally. Legal Abuse Syndrome (LAS) is now recognized as a disability along with the PTSD which returning veterans all too often experience. The symptoms are strikingly similar.

I suggest the term “Personal Abuse Syndrome (PAS) to better identify this parallel response in people confronting psychopathic behavior in their personal lives.

Treatments for the condition exist in a variety of forms and we are working to identify accessible and affordable ways for people to cope and move past the impact of trauma. Information on these is available at Ashtabula Renewal.

Disordered individuals know how to use trauma to gain control. Trauma is inflicted by gaslighting, reframing the relationships of the victim with others in their lives by inserting false information, along with other means.

Highly psychopathic view emotionally normal people as prey. They decide what they want and then do what is necessary to get it with as little risk as possible to themselves. In using these events as illustrations I produced five websites, PsychoBusters, The Duke and Doxie of Manchester, Morgan Pillsbury Gell, Jay E. Gell, and Craig Franklin and Green Hills Software, as my last, desperate attempt to cope with these individuals, as least three of them highly psychopathic, who had teamed up to destroy me, which is not as unusual as one might think. Consider Congress for a moment. Or the IRS. Or TSA. Of course, the TSA is generally less personal in their approach.

Fortunately, I was not alone. Wendy, Manchester's former wife, had them in her life. Jillkster, once married to the son of my first husband from his second marriage, was also having to cope with their ugly ways.

Wendy and I first talked on December 3, 2011. She was a mine of information regarding the Manchesters. Laura had moved in with her in October, 2008, after leaving Alexander herself. Laura went back to him on December 30th because she could not find a replacement and she hoped to make a career, somehow, out of being the Duchess of Manchester.

Wendy's entry into the story had came in 1992 when she made the mistake of not throwing away the gold embossed business card given to her while she waited in line at a dance club in Orange County.

Because we had both seen the same strategies used on us individually this was extremely empowering. Taking back your power, your context, is extremely healing. This is why highly psychopathic individuals work to divide people. They do not want them to compare experiences and realize what is happening.

Morgan's entire life, from the time she was a child, was spent telling ugly stories to divide my family from each other. In large part, she succeeded. This was not the kind of calculating behavior you expect from a small child.

On July 5th I was contacted by Jillkster through one of my websites, which, ironically, is Morgan's birthday. The revelations forthcoming were like one of the last pieces of a gnarly puzzle finally falling into place. Now, for the first time, I understood why Morgan is the way she is. My first husband, Richard, her father, might not have stuck around but he left me a time bomb which must now be defused.

The Manchesters have become somewhat quiescent at this point, at least online. However, I recently learned they and the Gells began talking to people I have known and worked with again. Posts will be up on this as soon as they publish, which it is likely they will.

Some of their more outrageous posts have been removed from their badly written and highly repetitive sites at this point. Since Laura, the Duchess of Manchester, lacks any sense of how inadequate her English skills are this surprised us, leading to some speculations as to motive.

The Costs of Psychopathy

The list of people impacted is actually far larger, also including Raye Allan, my normal children, and more. The reverberations from the acts of the psychopathic are truly mind-bogglingly expensive. The estimate of 360 billion a year, as the costs extracted by psychopaths, is probably too low for the US.

So we are now going to begin approaching this in more orderly fashion, beginning with putting together the odd relationships of these individuals. We sincerely hope this exercise is educational and helps others with their extraction and recovery process.

The story, necessarily, involves a number of other people who became involved through the machinations of these very abnormal individuals. Some of these may have personality disorders themselves, but I am not a qualified expert and so express no opinion on this matter.

Recruits to the Psychopathic Conspiracy

Why would John (I-GET-PAID-TO-HELP-KARL ROVE-STEAL-ELECTIONS!) Fund have any motive for working with, or protecting, Alexander, 13th Duke of Manchester? Probably to finally shut me up. I have proven to be inconvenient for him on occasion, though I rarely wrote about him in the last several years. This will now change, of course. But Alexander, 13th Duke of Manchester, made frequent mentions of him in his messages, left on various phone message machines, along with the surprising news they attended conference calls to accomplish their goal silence me. Their real goal was, evidently, to have me institutionalized. That would have shut me up, no doubt, but, according to Manchester, “she has too much on the Internet for it to work!”

The wish of these individuals to shut me up is entirely understandable. Psychopaths cannot continue their predatory behavior if people understand what is really happening. I don't shut up.

Morgan's lies include telling people, “Mother forced me to babysit her children, what is why I could not get a job,” (Untrue, we thought she was attending college. Instead, she was having an ffair with Eddy van Halen) “She stole all of my opportunities,” (What opportunities, to be a short model?) she did not keep supporting me long enough,” (I was Morgan's only significant support from the time she was nineteen until she turned 38.), “I have a bad heart,” (Not supported by any available facts. (This is projection. I have a bad heart because of a family condition and because my mother smoked. Morgan was not subject to these.) and “I was really the one doing all the work on those projects.” Of course, she would be hard pressed to prove that since she does not know anything about them and, provably cannot write. Morgan told other lies which I will not here dignify by including. However, these issues are not being dropped.

And of course, if Morgan felt being 100% supported while carrying on an affair with Eddy van Halen was hampering her opportunities she could have gotten a J-O-B.

There was significant coordination between all of these parties named and also what appears to be Green Hills Software, Inc., the company which assisted Craig in a successful attempt to recharacterize marital assets as his separate property at the time of our divorce in 1998. Wendy received a call from Alex telling her this attempt had failed because the attorneys decided, “There was too much material on the internet,” for it to work. The owners of the company definitely had motive for continued involvement.

Craig was still a Senior Vice President and their involvement, which had continued for over ten years, includes payoffs to the local courts in Santa Barbara. Those responsible for enforcing the law, instead violated it for profit.

Manchester reported to Raye Smith that he and John Fund, along with nine other individuals, had been conferencing for the purpose of bringing charges against myself on May 1, 2012. The Audio is up online and a transcript is available. Other audio tapes in which Alex claims to be working with Fund are also available, No. 1 and No. 2 on Wendy's answering machine April 28, 2012

I was guilty of publishing factual information on Manchester's mottled past, nothing more. According to Wendy, Manchester's behavior was highly unusual in attacking me at all since he had just ripped me off for writing and a website. Normally, Wendy says, he steers clear of previous victims. Replaying the voice message Manchester left for me last spring, reporting on his 'visit' to my home in California, accompanied, presumably, Craig (Incest Porn) Franklin suddenly fell into place.

It is too much to expect for anyone to dig into three long and seamy stories. So I'm going to give you a synopsis. More individuals, some unwitting, others simply very willing to profit, will be named later.

The Core Psychopaths

Morgan Pillsbury Gell was the only child of my first marriage. She appears was born psychopathic. Her father, Richard Lee Barteaux, was both violent and disordered. Richard never had a real job and died of chronic alcoholism, while still being supported by his wealthy parents in 1993. Morgan, as it turns out, was a lot like her father, except a touch smarter, perhaps. More intelligence in the socially disordered is not a good thing. That Morgan is disordered herself, she has long admitted. We need not quibble over the correct diagnosis. I am not a competent authority but accept Morgan's sworn testimony, given under penalty of perjury. The 2001 deposition in which this is located has been on the internet, unchallenged by Morgan for nearly ten years on a site maintained by John Fund.

To quote Morgan, in the citied statement made about herself in the 2001 document, “I have a borderline personality disorder.

Under no circumstances should this deposition been made available to John Fund because the deposed individual has an absolute right to review and edit before the document is certified and this never took place as the case was settled. The document, properly, should have been either destroyed or remained in records, unread. This would then raise the question of how it came into Fund's hands. While we could have speculated it was given to Fund by the Green Hills Software, Inc., counsel we need not speculate in this case.

The chain of custody went from the Green Hills Software, Inc., counsel to Craig Franklin, who then mailed the document to John Fund. Craig conveyed this fact to his then girl friend, Anne Fisher, who later told me for publication, as and when I choose. Anne also provided copious letters, emails, and photos, to be used at my discretion. Anne commented to me the document, which she did not see but which Craig described to her, was in a Green Hills envelope with postage paid by Green Hills. So cooperation between Franklin and Fund in dealing with Morgan, who I was then supporting, is of long standing and points to an ongoing relationship in which Green Hills Software, Inc., participated.

The 2001 deposition was given just before I settled a law suit with Green Hills Software, Inc. in 2001. A little more than a year earlier Morgan had recorded a conversation with Craig, wherein he boasted and complained their fraud had not worked as well as planned. But, clearly he and Green Hills Software, Inc., by crook or book (read this: fraud carried out one way or another) intended I should be left penniless after appearing to follow the order of the court, which ordered I be given a small portion of what I was actually owed.

Morgan made the recording because her relationship with Fund was foundering and she was, evidently, queasy about continuing in her relationship with Craig. There was no future in it. She well knew she could not marry Craig, and without marriage, and a prenup, she had no security. Morgan had no intention of working for a living, and no skills to support the life style she hankered to enjoy. Her life-plan is well documented by her series of relationships with wealthy and influential men, these including affairs with Eddy van Halen, Eugene Volokh, and John Fund.

She needed help and conned me into believing her using the Weasel Search Tape, recorded just a few weeks earlier, and 1999 tape with Franklin -Transcript, thus betraying first Fund and then Franklin, who had each betrayed her. Stabbing each other in the back is standard operating procedure for psychopaths.

In 1999 my function, as envisioned by Morgan, was to force Fund to marry her. Despite the seeming craziness, she continued to want this for at least several years. She doubtless felt she had brought him down, now she needed someone to hold him so she could finish the evisceration process.

The 1999 transcript and 2001 deposition were chilling for me to reread now. Normal people do not watch others beaten without taking action, especially when the person being beaten is their mother. Morgan did just this and, recalling the incident, I realize she showed no concern for me at the time, or later. You can miss this with a concussion.

Morgan was raised by my parents, at the wish of my mother, who lived to regret it, but not enough to understand how bad it really was. My father stopped supporting her the moment Mother died and expressed doubts about her behavior which, grew only more pointed over the years.

A. Craig Franklin pursued me, evidently, because he has had, since his teens, incest fantasies and I had three beautiful and nubile daughters, exactly the focus of the fantasies I learned about only after he left me. Craig insisted on adopting the children and did everything possible to make sure their biological father, my former husband, was out of their lives. Notarized Document signed by Ron Foster (AKA Kellett) giving up his parental rights. Craig's will, naming the children as his own. Craig is a computer programmer who would have been a billionaire if not for his inability to file his taxes and cope with authority. This can be credited to his very controlling father. I was useful because I saved him from the IRS. Craig's behavior fits the definition of psychopathy very neatly.

Alexander Charles David Drogo Montagu, 13th Duke of Manchester was diagnosed as having psychopathic tendencies in 1984 by the psychiatrist, a Dr. Williamson, who provided this information to Montagu's attorney, Z. Varzseghy. Williamson had seen him in the wake of a series of violent incidents in Australia. The diagnosis appears in this transcript, bottom of page nine, from a court hearing taking place September 6, 1984. One of these incidents was attempting to shoot his wife with a speargun. The transcript is a real candidate for a one act play, with no editing whatsoever.

Manchester's strategy is to write bad checks, claim to be about to receive vast amounts of money, and look for suckers impressed by the title. I postulate Fund and Franklin did not realize how illiterate he actually is when allying themselves with him. Morgan is not literate enough to discern the difference.

Manchester was couch surfing when he met and entrapped Wendy Buford into a relationship. Soon, he was living with her, using her car while she was at work, and looking forward to starting a flow of income from the Manchester Trusts through payments made to support his children.

Coming Next: Unexpected Alliances

Unexpected Alliances

What might surprise some people who followed the Fund – Morgan story from the past, see Weasel Search Tape, TRANSCRIPT is the fact Morgan and Fund began working together to go after me. This is only surprising because of the degree of animus which seemed to exist between Morgan and Fund. But a coalition including Morgan, Fund and Craig Franklin, actually makes a curious kind of sense.

Psychopaths assume everyone is out for themselves and cooperate on an ad hoc basis. This is one reason they will recontact previous victims. The idea anyone would remember and hold a grudge is alien to them.

This is an important aspect to remember for your own protection. If someone who has ripped you off gets back in touch without commenting on their previous ugly actions, without explanation or apology, do not reconnect. Move cautiously even if they do. Morgan always apologized then just did it again.

Morgan doubtless sees potential for some gain for herself in this. She is now married to a poverty stricken redneck with little education who is on disability. She is, herself, working part-time at Walmart, by all reports.

Ignoring the advice of all my other children, I had gone to Morgan's aid when she was destitute and had been abandoned and later battered by Fund. I wanted to believe she had changed. They knew better. My thickness in believing Morgan is at the core of the present alienation between myself and my other children. It is, however, too late to kick myself, also painful.

Evidently the coalition, read this enlarged conspiracy, was initially forged when Laura, temporarily separated from Alex due to a squabble over the Michael Jackson videos Alex had earlier stolen from Wendy, contacted Craig in Santa Barbara. They were immediately communicating. Craig talks Laura's language, this being writing checks generously and willingly paying for sex.

This addition of the Manchesters into the original conspiracy against me by Morgan, Craig, and Green Hills, resulted in the assault on my websites, using false charges of wrong doing to the hosting company, Yola. This assault began October 29, 2011 with a contact to Yola which Laura later documented by helpfully placing it online, where I found it some months ago. The letter refers to a site I had nothing to do with which is owned by a Fern Anderson. I had never heard if it. All of my sites, 45 of them, were under one account. While eventually they instituted a limit when I started there no such limit existed. I started a site for the Manchesters at Yola because they told me they could not afford to immediately pay for hosting. It was their site. But they provided no writing, and for that I expected to be paid, naturally. This lowered their start up costs.

43 of the sites were family history, non-profits, political action, a memorial site for a dead friend, and sites to help people being harmed by injustice. One was for my grandchildren. Three of the sites were about things which touch on what is still happening here. I was doing exactly the same thing, publishing the facts, with documentation or links to articles and other material available on the Internet.

In the communication below it appears Craig was involved sometime after this in communicating with Yola. For the record, Yola did not inform me of their intentions. They also failed to tell me charges had been made. The charges must have been doozies, and certainly if you read the creative writing exercises produced by the Manchesters and Gells, you see what kinds of things they make up, but after reading what I sent about the Manchesters they clammed up. They had denied me or a chance to respond to accusations I did not know had been made.

Others using Yola should note this. Additionally, I could not recover my files. This is, doubtless, because of the lies the three of them told. From there, their activities rolled out into other forms of harassment directed against me.

This strategy of overwhelming and patently untrue slanders and libels is, itself a technique used routinely by psychopaths. Whether made to

For months I dealt with the repercussions from their felonious actions, which fall within the definition of conspiracy. Jay E. Gell called my editor, Leon Smith with lies. When Leon refused to believe him Jay launched into a filthy barrage of insults. Other calls were made to friends in a concerted attempt to cut me off from all my personal and business relationships. Email exchange with Raye Allen, April 10, 2012.

Craig gave Laura the contact information for my children and all of my friends and business associates of whom he was aware. What followed turned the minor issue of the stolen website, The Duke of Manchester, for which I never got around to filing a small claims action, into World War II ½. Not that I did much but reel in shock at first.

The Manchesters did not own the URL, which was purchased by Raye Allan. Naturally, they never reimbursed her, either. She had been loaning them money because she believed they were her friends, for over a year at the time.

By January Alex was claiming I had stolen a neurofeedback machine he had borrowed by NerOptimal. He had been using it since the previous summer and refused to either return it or to pay. Here are the emails exchanged. In persuading the folks at NeurOptimal to loan him their machine Alex told numerous stories which I now know to be complete fabrications. This includes his ultra, ultra, secret and special relationship with the CIA.

In January Alex also stuck his foot in his mouth big-time and on Huffington Post accused the Royal Family of various crimes and misdeeds. After ward he or Laura persuaded Huff Post to remove the comments. He then began claiming I made up the account and wrote the comments. A brief perusal of the comments shows these to exactly parallel his own writing 'style.'

If their voice messages are to be believed, during this time they visited with Craig in Santa Barbara and then they drove to my cabin. I do not yet know if they broke in, but this remains an open question. Given this admission on Manchester's part, a police report was in order.

It was soon after this I began talking to Wendy. She had contacted not me, but Rayelan, who sent me Wendy's e-mail. I wanted background, given what I was going through at the time. The next several months were simply horrifying, getting steadily worse as the conspiracy become more evident. John Fund's entry into the conspiracy was a real shocker, one of those “Huh?” moments, at least until I began considering motives. Fund might look like a nerdy dweeb who is barely hanging on to his sinecure, but the first two phone numbers on his speed dial are Karl Rove and Dick Cheney.

I have been a sort of on and off thorn in the side of the RoveCons since I point out regularly facts they would prefer not to have resurfaced. Rove and others of his ilk depend on the generally short attention span of the public. I just kept pipping up and reminding folks of things Rove and Co., thought best forgotten. Not that anyone seemed to be listening. But, people with first-hand knowledge can be dangerous. This probably looked like a great opportunity to finally squash me – except they forgot psychopaths have issues with recognizing the truth. This makes them dangerous to each other, too.

The Aftermath Left by the 'Socially Disordered.'

Those impacted by the disordered report chaos, shattered relationships, financial and emotional disaster, and trauma which may stay with them the rest of their lives. The cost can be calculated in some limited ways monetarily – but not in terms of the impact on families who may never come to trust one another again.

This is the second part of one article now being reframed as a book which will span the impact from personal to political to global, focusing in on the use of transparency to mitigate the problem for all of us who are normal.

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